Getting Started


FCPGtools can be installed from PyPI into a virtual environment containing GDAL, and for full functionality, TauDEM as well.

pysheds only quick-start: If you are planning to only use functions supported by the pysheds “terrain engine” you install fcpgtools into your virtual environment of choice using pip:

pip install fcpgtools

For full functionality we strongly encourage the following installation workflow:

  1. Install the Anaconda Python Distribution or Miniconda

  2. Use the conda command line to clone our lightweight fcpgtools_base virtual environment that contains non-Python dependencies from the environment.yml file available in our repo. Either clone the repo, or just download the .yml file locally, and run the following commands:

    conda env create -f {PATH}/environment.yml
    • Note: We also provide a more robust environment_dev.yml virtual environment for developers containing all libraries relevant to making contributions as well as running our example notebooks.

  3. Activate the fcpgtools_base environment, and pip install fcpgtools.

    pip install fcpgtools
  4. (optional) pip install optional libraries required to run our demo notebook (examples/v2_fcpgtools_demo.ipynb), and to leverage in-line function completion/type-hints.

    pip install jupyterlab
    pip install ipympl
    pip install python-lsp-server
    pip install jupyterlab-lsp
    pip install pydaymet

Caution: Unfortunately TauDEM installs old versions of GDAL and PROJ, which has the potential to cause conflict with libraries that require newer versions said dependencies.

Using FCPGtools

Getting started only takes a few lines of code:

# creating an flow accumulation raster from a Flow Direction Raster (FDR)
import fcpgtools

path_to_fdr = r'YOUR/PATH/HERE/fdr.tif'

flow_accumulation_grid = fcpgtools.accumulate_flow(
) -> xarray.DataArray

Version 2.0 of FCPGtools has a “flat” architecture, meaning all functions can be accessed by importing the main fcpgtools module as shown in a simple example above.

For a more complete demonstration of fucntionality, we suggest walking-through our examples/fcpgtools_v2_demo.ipynb Jupyter Notebook and our Cookbook and Examples page.

Note that is you are accustomed to Version 1.0 of FCPGtools, we suggest looking over our Migrating to FCPGtools Version 2.0 page.